How To Avoid Fast Food Cravings - 6 Tips To Help With Cravings

By Mary Ann

7 December 2022

Junk food cravings might appear out of nowhere. Your entire body seems to be pleading for a peanut butter cup or bowl of ice cream the moment you feel satisfied the next.


Of course, since they're low in calories and healthy for you, it's excellent when you might crave foods like apples, blueberries, or green beans. The issue arises when you believe that to be full, you need something sweet, salty, or heavy in fat. You could even occasionally want all three at once.

You can either resist the urge to eat junk food or give in to it. Allowing yourself a treat now and then is acceptable, especially if you select tiny servings that allow you to stay inside your daily calorie budget. However, when cravings for junk food grow into binges, you run the risk of gaining weight and overindulging in foods that aren't particularly healthy. 

The following advice will help you reduce your cravings for unhealthy foods:

Drink Water 

Hunger or a need for food is frequently confused with thirst.

Try drinking a large glass of water and waiting a few minutes if you experience an unexpected need for a certain dish. Because your body was only thirsty, you might discover that the need eventually disappears.

Furthermore, drinking a lot of water may be beneficial for your health in many ways. Drinking water before meals can curb appetite and aid in weight loss in middle-aged and older persons.

Consume more protein

Your appetite may be slashed and you may avoid overeating if you consume more protein.

Additionally, it lessens cravings and prolongs your feeling of fullness and satisfaction.

One study on obese adolescent girls found that having a high-protein breakfast dramatically decreased cravings. Also, if you are a vegan you can still have meatless protein options!

Another study on obese males found that consuming 25% more protein per calorie decreased cravings by 60%. In addition, 50% less nighttime snacking was desired.


Don’t skip meals

Don't skip your usual meals because doing so can make it much easier to resist desires when your stomach isn't growling. Following a wholesome breakfast, have a filling lunch and dinner. Additionally, as long as the snacks you eat are healthy and don't increase your calorie intake, it's okay to incorporate them.

Go for a walk

Here's another diversion with health advantages. Go for a walk outside to get some exercise and stave off your cravings. 5 Perform some calisthenics for a few minutes if you are unable or unable to go outside. Along with providing a diversion, exercise may also help lessen stress, which could be a factor in your desires. Those who regularly miss meals shouldn't use this method.

Combat Stress

Stress can cause a desire for food and affect eating habits, especially in women.

Women under stress have been observed to consume noticeably more calories and have higher desires than women who are not under stress.

Additionally, stress increases your blood levels of cortisol, a hormone that can cause weight gain, particularly around the midsection. By making plans in advance, engaging in meditation, and generally slowing down, you can try to reduce the stress in your surroundings. You can try these tips to reduce stress.

Consume spinach extract

A "new" supplement on the market is spinach extract, which is produced from spinach leaves.

It aids in delaying the breakdown of fat, which raises the levels of GLP-1 and other hunger- and appetite-suppressing hormones.

According to studies, consuming 3.7–5 grams of spinach extract with a meal may suppress desires and hunger for several hours.

In one study, 5 grams of spinach extract daily lowered cravings for chocolate and high-sugar foods by a staggering 87-95% in overweight people.

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