Why Contact Lenses Are Loved In South Asia

By Hira Waheed

5 June 2023

South Asia has long been fascinated with the concept of colored eyes, with many individuals expressing a desire to have eyes that deviate from the region's predominant dark brown hues. This article explores the love for contact lenses among South Asians, with a particular focus on the admiration for colored eyes. From renowned figures like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Haroon Shahid to underlying cultural and personal reasons, we delve into the factors driving this fascination.
Why Contact Lenses Are Loved In South Asia

Love For Colored Eyes

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In Pakistan and India, the entertainment industry has witnessed the rise of influential figures who possess naturally colored eyes. Celebrities like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, known for her mesmerizing blue-green eyes, have become symbols of beauty and grace. Similarly, Haroon Shahid, a Pakistani actor, and singer, captivates audiences with his striking green and hazel eyes. Their unique eye colors have garnered attention and admiration, contributing to the fascination with colored eyes in the region.

Reasons for the South Asian Love for Contact Lenses:

1) Cultural Influences

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 South Asian cultures have a rich history of celebrating beauty and aesthetics. Contact lenses offer a means to experiment with one's appearance. But more openly it helps them feel "gora" and superior! 

2) Media Representation

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The influence of media plays a significant role in shaping beauty ideals. Western media, in particular, has promoted the idea that light-colored eyes are desirable and attractive. This influence has seeped into South Asian societies, contributing to the admiration for colored eyes and the subsequent popularity of contact lenses.

3) Personal Expression

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Sometimes using colored lenses can help you look great on Halloween right?
Contact lenses allow individuals to alter their eye color according to their preferences, enabling them to create a desired aesthetic. Many South Asians view contact lenses as a form of self-expression and a way to enhance their overall appearance. The ability to change eye color adds an element of novelty and variety to their style choices.

4) Getting What Nature Never Gave

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Contact lenses provide a way to bridge the gap between natural eye color and the desire for colored eyes. For those who long for a temporary change or wish to experience the appeal of different eye colors, contact lenses offer a convenient solution. They provide the flexibility to switch between natural and colored eyes as desired.
The love for contact lenses among South Asians, particularly for colored eyes, is an unending love affair with the lighter skin tone obsession. Most people with light skin have colored eyes, whether it is Pashtoons, or Caucasians! Hence most Pakistanis end up dying their hair blonde and eyes changed with colored lenses to feel that rush of having colonial touches in their looks!

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