Discovering Many Uses of Baking Soda

By Ashmal Shah

26 June 2023

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a versatile and affordable household staple found in most kitchens. While commonly used as a leavening agent in baking, its applications extend far beyond the realm of culinary delights. In this blog post, we will explore the diverse and surprising uses of baking soda in various aspects of daily life. From cleaning and deodorizing to personal care and beyond, baking soda proves to be a multi-purpose powerhouse.

 Discovering Many Uses of Baking Soda

Natural Cleaning Agent

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Baking soda's abrasive yet gentle nature makes it an excellent natural cleaning agent. It can be used to scrub away stains, grime, and odors in various household surfaces. Whether you're tackling grease in the kitchen, soap scum in the bathroom, or stubborn stains on carpets, a simple paste of baking soda and water can work wonders. It's an eco-friendly alternative to harsh chemical cleaners and leaves behind a fresh and clean scent.

Odor Eliminator

Baking soda is renowned for its exceptional ability to absorb odors. Placing an open box of baking soda in the fridge or pantry can neutralize unpleasant smells and keep your food smelling fresh. Additionally, sprinkling baking soda on carpets, upholstery, or inside shoes before vacuuming helps eliminate lingering odors. It can also be used to deodorize pet bedding, trash cans, and even smelly sneakers. Baking soda is a reliable and cost-effective solution to keep your surroundings smelling pleasant.

Personal Care Assistant

Baking soda can be incorporated into your personal care routine in numerous ways. As a gentle exfoliant, it helps remove dead skin cells when mixed with water or combined with facial cleansers. It can also be used as a natural deodorant by dusting it onto underarms to absorb odor-causing bacteria. Baking soda can soothe irritated skin when added to bathwater or used as a paste to alleviate itching caused by bug bites or sunburns. It even serves as a refreshing mouthwash when mixed with water and used for gargling.

Laundry Savior

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Say goodbye to stubborn stains and unpleasant odors on your clothes with the help of baking soda. Add a cup of baking soda to your regular laundry detergent to boost its cleaning power and brighten whites. It also helps remove odors from clothes, including those caused by sweat or mildew. For heavily soiled items, soaking them in a mixture of baking soda and water before washing can help loosen dirt and grime. Baking soda is a versatile ally in achieving cleaner and fresher laundry.

Gardening Aid

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Baking soda can be a secret weapon in your garden. Sprinkling a thin layer of baking soda around plants helps deter pests like ants and slugs. It can also act as a fungicide by preventing the growth of fungi on leaves and stems. Additionally, a diluted baking soda solution can help balance the pH level of soil, benefiting certain plants. Its natural properties make it a safe and environmentally friendly choice for maintaining a healthy garden.


From cleaning and deodorizing to personal care and gardening, baking soda proves to be a versatile and invaluable household ingredient. Its effectiveness, affordability, and eco-friendly nature make it a go-to option for various tasks. Embrace the wide range of alternative uses of baking soda and unleash its full potential in simplifying and enhancing your daily life.

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