How To Stop A Shopaholic Attitude?

By Mia Evelyn

5 December 2022

Shopping addiction may take many different forms, whether it's for the newest iPhone, PlayStation, or pair of Gucci shoes. Do you feel tempted to spend money on things that are not necessities? It might be challenging to resist the temptation given how much social media advertising and internet marketing reinforce our tendency to purchase.

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Spending on occasion in moderation is good, especially if you have put in a lot of effort and earned it. However, it starts to affect your budget when they want to buy becomes insatiable.

You need to make some adjustments when your shopping addiction is making you anxious. Similar to food or alcohol addiction, shopping addiction is real. It causes you to constantly experience the want to repeat activities, and it may be harmful.


The Mind of a Shopaholic

As stated by Dr. Hindie Klein,

"Some people shop themselves into an addiction. An alcoholic can give up booze, a gambler can give up on Las Vegas, but you have to shop. This is what makes Oniomania (shopaholism.) such a pernicious disorder. One day you look at your closet, and it’s filled with endless stuff, or you’re in debt, or you’ve stolen money to satisfy your habit."

What should I do to stop it?

A shopaholic attitude is easy to build but not so easy to change. Just like how a cigarette addiction, in the beginning, seems to be in your control but it isn’t. Here are a few good starts to take a step forward. You have to change your habits to change your attitude.

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Avoid Shopping Sites or Apps

A person becomes habitual in clicking on shopping apps or searching for new arrivals on their phones or gadgets in their free time. They are easy to access. No hazard to looking through every item and even ordering them. Not having to pay at the counter or look through the whole store. Avoiding these apps and websites will be beneficial in changing your attitude toward shopping.

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Don’t Use Your Card to Pay

When you’re paying with a card online or at the counter, you don’t see the amount of money you just spent. Your brain knows how much you’re spending but your brain doesn’t see how much. The trick to feeling more responsible is to pay in cash. You’ll realize how much is gone from your pocket.

Restrict Your Visits

Avoid physical stores too. Restrict your visits to the mall or any market areas that trigger you to shop. Restricting yourself from these places will help you gain focus on your actual needs. You will realize the harm it does to your pocket and you’ll find yourself saving money too.

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Track and Budget Your Money

One favor you can do to yourself to save yourself from the hassle of being out of the budget is to make one. Track your money and plan how to spend it. Be mindful of your money, you worked hard to gain it. There are easy ways to be on a budget. This tactic will be your biggest help in stopping your shopaholic attitude.

Seek Professional Help

Seek counseling as soon as possible if you feel that things are about to go out of hand and you want to recover control. You can better understand why you're feeling the way you are with the aid of a qualified mental health expert.

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