How To Make A Perfectly Balanced Lunchbox For Your Child

By Mia Evelyn

28 November 2022

For many parents, packing their children’s lunchboxes can feel like a daunting task, especially if you have more than one child to pack lunches for every day. Making sure that you include enough of all the essential food groups can be challenging, and sometimes certain foods are forgotten or left out completely. However, packing the perfect lunchbox isn’t as difficult as it may seem! Follow these steps to create an effective and balanced lunchbox that will leave your child feeling satisfied until their next mealtime.

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Include a source of lean protein

Protein is important, but it's not the only thing your child needs. Protein is used to build muscle and repair tissue, as well as help with weight loss. The key is getting enough protein without taking in too many calories or fat. Meat isn't the only source of meat. You can get your proteins from vegan meals. Eggs are an excellent choice for protein because they provide all 9 essential amino acids and have less than one gram of fat per egg. Plus, eggs are inexpensive and easy to prepare.

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Add some whole grains

Whole grains are the foundation of any healthy lunch. They fill you up, make you feel fuller longer, and help keep your blood sugar levels balanced. The best part is that they're so easy to incorporate into your child's lunch! Here are some of our favorite ways:

  • Make whole grain toast with peanut butter or almond butter and banana slices for breakfast. To get extra protein, add an egg on top as well!
  • Pack a sandwich using whole wheat bread with lean meat and cheese.

Pack in the veggies

The veggies should be packed in the lunchbox first and then the protein. The veggies will provide your child with some much-needed vitamins and minerals that are necessary for good health. They are also full of fiber, which is great for digestion. Plus, most kids love vegetables so this is a win-win situation!

Include a healthy fat

A healthy fat is an essential part of a balanced lunch. Fat provides long-lasting energy and helps your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. One way to add healthy fats to your lunch is by adding avocado or olive oil. Some other options are nuts, seeds, and nut butter.

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Don't forget the fruit

For kids, lunch is often the main meal of the day. As a parent, you want to make sure your child has enough food to help them grow up healthy and strong. And there's one food you should never forget: fruit. It might seem like an afterthought, but fruit can be just as filling as any other type of food—and it's good for your child's health too! Here are some ideas on how you can include fresh fruit in your child's lunchbox today

Add a little something sweet

Peanut butter and jelly is the most classic example of what you might pack in your child's lunchbox. However, don't be afraid to try something different! Add fruit or veggies like apple slices, carrots, celery sticks, or raisins. Include something salty like pretzels or chips along with healthy snacks such as dried cranberries, nuts, crackers, and cheese cubes.

Drink up!

How much your child drinks is just as important as what your child eats. A good rule of thumb is to make sure there are two cups of fluid in the lunchbox every day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon.


A healthy lunch box is an assurance that you will always be there for them and is the most effective way to promote their health and happiness. Provide your children with the right nutrients for healthy growth. Understanding that this is challenging for them as well, you can help your child feel supported in making positive, healthy lifestyle changes that can extend far beyond weight loss by enjoying healthy meals and engaging in physical activity as a family.

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