Two Employed 10-Year-Olds Found Working At McDonald's

By Hira Waheed

5 May 2023

Uncovering a distressing reality, recent reports have exposed instances of child labor violations within the McDonald's franchise. Specifically, the employment of two 10-year-old children at a McDonald's outlet in Louisville has shed light on a larger issue plaguing the fast-food industry. The findings underscore the critical need for stricter adherence to labor laws and the safeguarding of children's rights in the workplace.

Child Labor Violations Exposed

A comprehensive investigation conducted by the US Department of Labor has revealed a concerning network of child labor violations across several states. The probe focused on three franchisees who collectively operate 60 McDonald's locations spanning Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland, and Ohio. Shockingly, the inquiry unveiled the employment of over 305 children, working excessive hours beyond the legal limits and engaging in tasks strictly prohibited for young workers. Notably, two 10-year-olds were found working at separate locations in Kentucky, exposing them to potential hazards and compromising their well-being.

Upholding the Significance of Child Labor Laws

The existence of child labor laws is rooted in the recognition that children should be shielded from the burdens of labor, enabling them to prioritize their education and enjoy a healthy, carefree childhood. These laws aim to protect young individuals from exploitative working conditions and ensure their physical and mental development is not hindered.

The Call for Employer Compliance

The concerning rise in federal child labor violations, as uncovered in the investigation, emphasizes the urgent need for employers to prioritize strict adherence to labor laws. Employers bear the responsibility of familiarizing themselves with the regulations governing the employment of young workers. Seeking guidance and gaining a comprehensive understanding of their obligations are essential steps in ensuring compliance and preventing the exploitation of vulnerable individuals.
Consequences and Penalties
In response to the alarming child labor violations within the McDonald's franchise, the US Department of Labor has taken swift action. The three franchisees involved in the violations are now subject to substantial fines, amounting to a total of $212,000. These penalties serve as a stark reminder that the rights and well-being of children must never be compromised. Businesses must recognize the gravity of their responsibility to create safe, ethical work environments for young employees.


The discovery of child labor violations at various McDonald's locations brings to the forefront the urgent need for immediate attention and concerted efforts. Protecting the rights of children and ensuring their holistic development should be a shared commitment. By bolstering enforcement of labor laws, increasing awareness, and fostering ongoing education for employers, we can collectively eradicate child labor and cultivate a future where all children can thrive without the burden of exploitative employment practices.

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