Kraft Brings Mac And Cheese Within Minutes

By Hira Waheed

18 May 2023

In response to the growing demand for comfort and convenience, Kraft has introduced frozen versions of its iconic macaroni and cheese. The move aims to make the beloved dish even more accessible by eliminating the need for cooking and cleaning. With just a microwave oven, consumers can now enjoy perfectly cooked macaroni pasta covered in a creamy, homestyle cheese sauce topped with real cheddar cheese. The two new frozen options, Original Cheddar and Four Cheese Kraft Mac & Cheese Deluxe, promise to deliver the same satisfying taste with added convenience.

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Responding to Consumer Preferences

Kraft recognizes the evolving preferences of consumers who seek comfort and simplicity in their food choices. Mac and cheese, often hailed as "America's favorite comfort food," perfectly embodies the warmth and happiness that people crave. However, with busy lifestyles and increased demands on time, cooking a traditional mac and cheese meal can be a hassle. Kraft aims to address this by offering a freezer-friendly alternative that allows people to indulge in a bowl of their favorite mac and cheese without the need for extensive preparation and cleanup.

Introducing Kraft Mac & Cheese Deluxe Frozen

The new Kraft Mac & Cheese Deluxe Frozen is an extension of the brand's Deluxe line. Known for its pre-made cheese sauce packets, this version offers a more luxurious and convenient experience compared to the traditional powdered cheese found in regular Kraft Mac & Cheese. By eliminating the need for pots and ladles, Kraft aims to provide a "deluxified" dining experience that brings both ease and enjoyment to consumers.

Promotional Offerings and Ad Campaign

To support the launch of the frozen mac and cheese, Kraft has introduced limited-edition promotional items. Among them is a unique elbow macaroni-patterned "deluxified" cardigan, designed in the brand's recognizable blue and yellow color scheme. This fashion item will be available for purchase on Kraft's Amazon store, adding a touch of style to fans' shopping experiences in the freezer aisle.

In addition, Kraft has collaborated with the award-winning advertising firm Johannes Leonardo to create a series of 15-second ads focused on the theme of comfort. The advertisements will feature elements such as grandmas, cats, and even a "huggable hot water bottle," all highlighting the concept of "deluxifying" in their pursuit of comfort. Through this advertising campaign, Kraft aims to emphasize the connection between its frozen mac and cheese and the comforting experiences it provides.

With the introduction of its frozen mac and cheese options, Kraft continues to innovate and meet the evolving needs of consumers seeking convenience and comfort in their food choices. By combining their signature flavors with freezer-friendly convenienc

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