Jamba Announces Breakfast Bowls

By Andrea Cooper

11 January 2023

Jamba Parfait bowl.jpg

More than three decades of freshness and fruit goodness is a big stamp on Jamba. But as the health industry is expanding so are the supplementary wings! Gone are the days when people took carbs in their breakfast! Now people take organic cereal bowls and salads to kickstart their day! Jamba has been associated with the wellness and health side of food since 1990 so the new year announcing new menu additions is not bad! The new addition to the menu is the Belgian Waffle Parfait Bowl. Jamba has this bowl available in two flavors Belgian waffle parfait with coconut whip and Belgian waffle parfait with greek yogurt. Customers can alter their topping from fresh fruits to grated dried fruits and cereal bits. Presently the bowls are not available at all locations but just a selected few for $8.99.

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