Hydration halves the Risk of Young Deaths Reveals Studies
By Andrea Cooper
3 January 2023
If you are one of those who don't drink ample water think again! A 25-year-long research has proven how dehydration triggers ailments and puts people at a higher risk of chronic diseases.

The study from the National Institutes of Health read results with corresponding levels of sodium in the sample size participants. High sodium leveled patients aged faster physiologically.
The study established a normal range of sodium around 135 to 146 millimoles per liter. But people at the higher end of this range are double likely to age faster. Also, they were at a higher risk of getting chronic diseases, diabetes, and heart trouble.
One of the authors of the research Natalia Dmitrieva, said, "Risk to develop these diseases increases as we age and accumulate damages in various tissues in the body."
Dmitrieva also added, "emerging evidence from our and other studies indicate that adding consistent good hydration to these healthy lifestyle choices may slow down the aging process even more."
However, the study does not say anywhere that drinking water is the only way to prevent people from chronic diseases. A healthy lifestyle, diet, and genes all play a role. However, good hydration can help in keeping a body healthier than others.
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