Cheerios Is US's Trusted Brand

By Hira Waheed

30 May 2023

Global research firm Morning Consult has released its 2023 report on the "Most Trusted Brands" based on consumer polling. In the United States, Cheerios has been recognized as the most trusted food and beverage brand for the second consecutive year. This prestigious ranking reflects the deep belief and confidence consumers have in the brand's integrity and quality. Cheerios outperformed other renowned cereal brands, including Kellogg's, securing the top spot. Let's delve into the factors that contribute to Cheerios' continued success and unwavering consumer trust.
Cheerios Is US's Trusted Brand

A Legacy of Trust and Heritage

Cheerios has been a staple in American households since 1941, with a rich heritage spanning over eight decades. Its longstanding presence and reputation for being a baby-friendly cereal have solidified its position as a trusted brand. Morning Consult's report highlights the significance of heritage, with the top 10 most trusted food brands boasting a history that dates back more than 100 years to the origins of packaged foods. Consumers value the reliability and consistency that comes from a brand with a longstanding legacy.

Unwavering Consumer Confidence

Cheerios' commitment to quality and meeting consumer needs has contributed to its remarkable reputation. The brand's website showcases positive reviews, indicating that its status as a reliable choice resonates with consumers. Additionally, Cheerios has adapted to changing dietary preferences and requirements by offering gluten-free and allergen-free options. The use of 100% whole grains further enhances its appeal and nutritional value. These factors have further solidified the bond of trust between Cheerios and its loyal customer base.

Recognition Beyond the Food Category

In Morning Consult's 2023 report, Cheerios not only secures its position as the most trusted food brand but also emerges as the sixth most trusted brand across all categories in the US. This impressive ranking highlights the broad appeal and widespread trust that the brand enjoys. Being the sole food and beverage brand in the top 10 most trusted brands overall reinforces Cheerios' reputation as a reliable and beloved choice among consumers.


Cheerios' consecutive reign as the most trusted food brand in the US is a testament to its commitment to quality, heritage, and meeting consumer expectations. With its longstanding presence, positive customer reviews, and adaptations to changing dietary preferences, Cheerios has successfully maintained consumer trust. The brand's recognition as one of the most trusted brands overall demonstrates its ability to resonate with a broad range of consumers. As Cheerios continues to prioritize consumer satisfaction and deliver on its promise of wholesome breakfast options, its trusted status is likely to endure for years to come.

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