Alexa Can Track Uber Eats Orders For You

By Hira Waheed

4 May 2023

Uber Eats has made it even easier to track the progress of your food order, thanks to its new integration with Alexa. The collaboration allows users to receive updates on their food orders without having to check their phones constantly.

Alexa Tracking Uber Eats.jpg

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Ease of use for busy consumers

Uber understands that modern consumers want ease of use in everything they do. The company has consistently introduced product innovations that have made iT easier to get things done, whether it's scheduling a pick-up or ordering food.


With the integration with Alexa, Uber Eats is making it even easier for consumers to track their food orders.

Customized notifications

Amazon Echo devices with Alexa can now provide users with order updates throughout the entire process, from flashing colors to verbal notifications. Users can customize the offerings according to their preferences. With the new feature, you can now track your food order effortlessly, no matter what you are doing.

Simplifying the user experience

The integration with Alexa has been designed to simplify the user experience. As Ethan Hollinshead, Lead Product Manager at Uber, says, "With order tracking on Alexa, managing orders from Uber Eats has never been easier." The company knows that consumers are busier than ever before, and it is excited to launch the integration with Alexa to help simplify the experience and make it easier for users to get anything they want, from anywhere.

Less distraction, more presence

The ability to stay focused on one task while the other items are processing is crucial. With the integration with Alexa, users can delegate the tracking of their food orders to the device, freeing them from having to constantly check their phones. As Mark Yoshitake, GM and Director of Alexa Skills, says, "Simple ambient experiences let customers be more present with family and friends." By putting everything in order, Alexa can help remove a little stress from a hectic day.

Activating the feature

The "Track with Alexa" button is available on the Uber Eats app. Users need to activate the feature to start receiving updates from Alexa. Whether you're a mom trying to distract your kids while you wait for dinner or a couple counting the minutes till the start of movie night, the ability to track your food order effortlessly is sure to be a welcome addition to your life.

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