How To Lose Weight After a C-Section Birth?

By Hafsa Hafeez

30 November 2022

There's a good possibility that if you're reading this, you've undergone a cesarean section or C-section. According to the US Centers for Disease Control, you are one of the 30% of American women who undergo C-sections.

c section weight loss

As you may be aware, C-sections are highly physically demanding. Your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles suffer a fair amount from them. Additionally, your body loses a lot of blood in this process.

After a C-section, the women who are most successful at losing weight understand that the weight increase was necessary for them to have a healthy baby, and they wouldn't have it any other way. It's normal to feel conflicted about bodily postpartum changes, and losing weight after giving birth is only a part of the process.

Just remember: Patience is the key! Patience is essential for shedding the baby's weight. Your body needs time to heal after giving birth, especially your belly.

Here's a helpful perspective: Visualize your abdomen as a balloon. The slower the balloon fills up, the bigger your baby gets. The balloon doesn't just pop after you give birth. It merely makes a tiny hole for the air to escape. Although the leak is gradual, it is still present. It will merely take some time, but ultimately all the air will escape from the balloon.


It is well known that nursing is the best way to provide your newborn baby nourishment. Most people are unaware, nevertheless, that breastfeeding can also be a powerful tool for losing weight.

Each day, breastfeeding might result in calorie burns between 300 and 500. This might be the best method for shedding that extra belly fat.

Calorie Counting

Even though breastfeeding does burn a lot of calories every day, it can also leave you feeling incredibly hungry. The greatest strategy to control your weight and keep your stomach full is to monitor the number of calories you take in.

Make better snack decisions. Plain yogurt, almonds, flaxseeds, fruits, vegetables, and lean meat can all satisfy your cravings while also assisting in weight loss. Remember to keep your calorie intake over 1200 because doing so can slow down your metabolism and work against your attempts to lose weight.


Purchase a Post-Pregnancy Belt

After a C-section, doctors typically advise wearing an abdominal belt or girdle to protect the incisions or wounds. This belt serves purposes other than providing security. It can assist you in flattening your stomach and stop new fat cells from accumulating there. Even though the belt is not designed to assist you to lose weight, it can nevertheless be beneficial.

This belt may be worn at all times, excluding when you are eating, sleeping, or using the restroom.

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Consume a lot of Water

In addition to keeping you hydrated, drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water each day can improve your ability to breastfeed. Your chances of losing weight are better the more frequently you breastfeed.

Massages with Lipid Bursting

You might choose lipid-bursting massages if you aren't yet sufficiently recovered to be mobile or simply lack the energy to start exercising. Your muscles and bones will be strengthened by these massages, which will also help you lose weight by toning your muscles. You can strengthen your body with these massages in preparation for a workout later on.

Get Moving 

Walking, particularly brisk walking is believed to hasten the healing process and prevent blood clots. Walking gives you solid cardiac exercise while putting little stress on your body during recovery.



About six to eight weeks following your C-section delivery, you can start practicing yoga. It's crucial to acquire a doctor's approval before beginning a yoga practice. Yoga, when combined with a healthy diet, can not only aid in weight loss but also strengthen and stretch your muscles.

Stomach Breathing

This exercise is simple, yet it can make a big difference in your quest for fitness. Simply lay on your back with your hands on your tummy to start. Then inhale deeply through your nose and feel your stomach grow. Pull your stomach in as you exhale (via your lips). 3 times a day, take a deep breath in, hold it for 5, and then let it out. Both in terms of weight loss and relaxation, this exercise is beneficial!

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