9 Symptoms Of A Weak Heart

By Zubair Naseem

13 October 2022


Chest Discomfort

It is the most common indicator of a heart attack. If you have a clogged artery or are suffering a heart attack, you may feel discomfort, tightness, or pressure in your chest. That sensation is referred to differently by different people. Some claim that an elephant is sitting on them. Others report a pinching or burning sensation. The sensation normally lasts for several minutes. It could occur while you are sleeping or performing physical activity. It’s most likely not your heart if it aches more when you touch or push on it.

Nausea, Indigestion, Heartburn, or Stomach Pain

Women, in particular, frequently express this type of discomfort, which might involve vomiting, before experiencing chest pain. They might even vomit. They are more prone to report this type of symptom than men. Of fact, an upset stomach can occur for a variety of reasons unrelated to your heart. Maybe you ate something that caused this, so to prevent that, make sure to keep your diet healthy for your heart. You should be warned, however, that it can also occur during a heart attack. Your heart is weak if you are feeling this way.

Pain That Spreads To The Arm

You may not equate arm pain with your heart, yet it can be an indication of a failing heart. Pain radiating down the left side of the body is a classic heart attack sign. It nearly always begins at the chest and moves outward. “If the discomfort is moving down the arm, especially the left arm, or into the neck, it’s more likely to be heart-related than dyspepsia,” a surgeon explains.

You Feel Dizzy or Lightheaded

Many factors can cause you to lose your balance or feel faint for a brief period. Maybe you didn’t eat or drink enough, or maybe you got up too quickly. When the heart is unable to pump enough oxygen-rich blood to meet the body’s energy requirements, a general sense of tiredness or fatigue develops. However, if you feel shaky and have chest discomfort or shortness of breath, see a doctor right once. Your blood pressure may have fallen because your heart isn’t pumping as well as it should.


You Get Exhausted Easily

Feeling fatigued all of the time can be a sign of heart failure or other illnesses. Make an appointment with your doctor right soon if you suddenly feel weary or breathless after doing something you used to do easily, such as climbing the stairs or carrying groceries from the car. These kinds of significant changes are more important to us than any pain or agony we may be feeling. Extreme weariness or unexplained weakness that might linger for days at a time may indicate a weak heart, especially in women. If you’re fatigued after working long hours or staying up late, it’s most likely not your heart.


It’s natural to snore a little when sleeping. Sleep apnea can be detected by unusually loud snoring that sounds like gasping or choking. That is when you briefly stop breathing many times during the night while still sleeping. This adds to the strain on your heart.


A heart attack may be indicated by breaking out in a cold sweat for no apparent reason. If this occurs in conjunction with any of the other symptoms, go to the hospital very soon. Do not attempt to drive yourself.

A Cough That Won’t Quit

Most of the time, this isn’t an indicator of a cardiac problem. However, if you have heart disease or know you’re in danger, you should be extra cautious. A chronic cough with white or pink mucous could be a sign of heart failure. When the heart cannot keep up with the needs of the body, blood flows back into the lungs.

Irregular Heart Beat

It’s normal for your heart to race when you’re frightened or thrilled, or for it to skip or add a beat now and then. Consult your doctor if your heart appears to be beating out of time for more than a few seconds, or if this happens regularly. Most of the time, it’s caused by something simple to solve, such as too much caffeine or not enough sleep.


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