10 Beauty Habits To Ditch Now

By Haris Aamir

24 October 2022

 We've all had bad habits. From harmless behaviors like nail biting or pen clicking to more dangerous addictions like smoking.

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 Even the most conscientious of us can make mistakes with our makeup and skin care. However, they not only detract from your overall appearance, but they can also harm your complexion and make you appear older. We put created simple but effective advice for what not to do to help you avoid the worst beauty errors.

 1.    Over-Exfoliating

Although we enjoy the sensation of freshly exfoliated skin, there is such a thing as over-exfoliating. If done too frequently (or too forcefully), you may potentially remove the top layer of your skin, weakening your skin barrier and leaving your skin unprotected, irritated, and vulnerable to bacteria and discomfort.

 2.    Using Makeup Wipes

Makeup wipes are not only bad for the environment, but they are also bad for your skin. While they appear to remove makeup, they cannot eliminate dirt, pollutants, or excess oil like a cleanser can. They can also be unpleasant and dry to your skin.

 3.    Touching Your Face And Picking Pimples

The typical person touches their face 16 times each hour, and each time you do, you transmit dirt and bacteria onto your skin, clogging your pores and causing breakouts. Picking or squeezing pimples, on the other hand, will most certainly break the skin and increase the probability of post-pimple pigmentation.

 4.    Putting Dirty Things On Your Face!

It's amazing how much bacteria your cosmetic goods can house, and it's not just your equipment; your pillowcase and hand towel may also be harboring bacteria that you can then transport back to your skin (yuck!!).

 5.    Not Wearing Sunscreen

The most important thing you can do for your skin is to wear sunscreen every day, even in the winter. If you don't use sunscreen, you expose your skin to UV damage, premature aging, pigmentation, and, of course, skin cancer.

 6.    Layering Your Skincare Incorrectly

The most important thing you can do for your skin is to wear sunscreen every day, even in the winter. If you don't use sunscreen, you expose your skin to UV damage, premature aging, pigmentation, and, of course, skin cancer.

 7.    Sleeping In Makeup

We know you're weary, and the idea of splashing water on your face isn't always attractive, but it's still necessary - just like brushing your teeth! Breakouts accelerated aging, poor skin, and irritation can all result from not removing your makeup. It's that simple, so STOP RIGHT NOW!

 8.    Washing your Hair too Often

Washing your hair too frequently can harm your scalp's natural biome. Hair has a pH balance of 4.5 to 5, which is ideal for your scalp to thrive. When you wash your hair every day, you remove the protective layer (including your natural oils), potentially upsetting your pH levels and making your hair look lifeless and dull.

 9.    Using A Towel To Dry Your Hair

While most of us finish our showers or baths by wrapping our hair in a towel, this is most certainly damaging our hair. When you wash your hair, the water causes the hair cuticles to swell and open, making it subject to frizz and damage. When damp hair is twisted into a towel, friction and tension can weaken the strands, causing lasting damage.

10. Using Expired Makeup

Some products we continually restock, while others remain in our beauty bag for years. If your cosmetics, skincare, or haircare looks different, smells different, no longer applies properly, has dried out, separated, appears old AF, or is old AF, it's time to toss it.

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